Vehicle System Solutions

Lithium Ion Battery Packs

Most electric commercial vehicle lithium-ion battery packs must be maintained in a narrow temperature window of 20°C to 45°C during both charge and discharge cycles. A Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS) is commonly used to maintain this temperature range. EVantage Thermal Management Systems offers BTMSs for reduced-emission commercial vehicles.

To learn about EVantage battery thermal management systems



Cabin Climate Solutions

Electric commercial vehicle operators and passengers spend a significant amount of time in the vehicle during the workday. Designing a cabin climate solution can provide passengers with the comfort they need.

Learn more about the CCS


Power Electronics and Onboard Chargers

Every electric commercial vehicle has power electronics – DC-DC converters, inverters, traction motors, and onboard chargers. Power electronics consistently support an electric commercial vehicle’s performance, durability, and safety. These components can have varied derating temperature requirements ranging from 50 – 65° C. A cooling module must maintain those temperatures to ensure the power electronics stay within their derating temperature range. The EVantage Electronics Cooling Package (ECP) can cool electric commercial vehicles’ power electronics and onboard chargers to ensure optimal performance.

To learn more about the ECP


Fuel Cell Stacks

The fuel cell stack must operate within an ideal range of 30°C to 80°C. Heat generation occurs whenever the fuel cell produces electricity during operation, so thermal management is required to ensure the fuel cell stack is at peak operation. The EVantage Fuel Cell Stack Cooling Package (FC-SCP) is a complete thermal solution for fuel cell stacks. With the included master thermal controller and Modine-developed firmware, the FC-SCP predictively and cleanly manages the temperature while minimizing power draw.

To learn more about the FC-SCP


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